Lecture: Four Thousand Years of Pre-History

Have you ever wondered what secrets lie beneath our feet? Join us on October 9 at 5:30pm in SJ2 for a journey through time with Project Collaborator and the Indiana Jones of North Yorkshire UK, Dr. Stephen Sherlock.

Four Thousand Years of Prehistory: Excavating the Neolithic, Bronze, and Iron Ages at Street House, UK

Dr. Steven Sherlock shares his site with the public at Street House. 2024. 

St. Jerome’s University, SJ2 1004
Wednesday, October 9, 5:30 - 7:30

Join Dr. Stephen Sherlock in an exploration of archeological sites in Northeast Yorkshire from the Neolithic period to the Roman arrival. Dr. Sherlock, whose experience as an archeologist spans four decades, will present on his work at Street House, a small yet archeologically rich site on the Yorkshire Coast.

Excavations at Street House have revealed evidence of human activity from the Neolithic (c. 3800 BCE) to the Roman era (71 CE), including domestic, industrial, and ceremonial activity, as well as, notably, the burial of an Anglo-Saxon princess.

Dr. Sherlock will also discuss his partnership with the DRAGEN Lab and the experiential learning opportunities for students offered over the past two years, including hands-on historical and archeological training in the United Kingdom.



Conference: Canadian Society of Medievalists Annual Conference